Platform Pricing

SocialToaster Offers A Range Of Products At A Variety Of Price Points For Companies, Businesses, Universities, And Organizations Of All Sizes. Choose A Plan That’s Right For Your Business.




Billed Annually
Bronze Includes




Billed Annually
Silver Includes




Billed Annually
Gold Includes


Contact us

Platinum Includes

All of our plans include the following features:

Dashboard to manage content and users

ContentToaster AI monitors for new content and automatically promotes it

Users receive targeted notifications to read and share the content they’re most likely to engage with

Contact Us For Enterprise Pricing

Enterprise pricing for PromoToaster starting at $15,000 per campaign and is based on: campaign duration, target audience, geographic scope of the promotion, desired participant recruitment volume and supporting media buy, legal terms and conditions complexity, custom integrations, and other factors determined on a case-by-case basis.

PromoToaster Includes

Lets Get Started On Your Campaign

Would you like to connect with someone on our sales team to learn more about the SocialToaster platform and how it might add value to your business? Request a demo here or send us an email to