Using Digital Polls and Surveys to Engage Fans

In today’s digital world, your online presence is often the recognition needed to take you from an unknown to the most influential and sought after brand. A social media survey can help boost fan engagement, and keep your social media campaign fresh.


You may recall that last year, Frito-Lay started a campaign called “Do Us a Flavor,” in which it asked its fans to help them choose a new flavor. This October, the company ran a second campaign, asking its fans to vote for one of the four online fan-generated flavor options: Bacon Mac & Cheese, Cappuccino, Mango Salsa, or Wasabi Ginger.


Fans also contributed their own flavor ideas to this year’s campaign, tripling Frito-Lay’s engagement on social media from the past year. Tina Mahal, Lay’s senior marketing director, said she was “blown away” by the social media response to the contest.


Frito-Lay’s  Do Us a Flavor campaign is an excellent example of successful social media marketing and fan engagement. Rather than trying to artificially boost their “likes” or shoving products down their fans’ throats, Frito-Lay created an engaging contest that made people excited about the brand. It just goes to show that if you give your fans an opportunity to participate with your brand, you will engage them better than if you just toss advertisements their way.

At SocialToaster, we help brands design and implement campaigns similar to this one in order to boost their social media participation. For more information, give us a call at 1-855-62-TOAST!

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