Social Media: More Than Brand Awareness


Everyone can agree that social media is an awesome tool for promoting brand awareness. But at SocialToaster, we know that’s just the beginning. Learn how your company can use social media to connect with fans who can act as word-of-mouth advocates for your brand.

According to Peter Brooks from CIO, even though social media has been around for some time, many companies are still just experimenting with its implementation and integration into their marketing plan. Of those companies that are using social, less than 25% are using it to drive revenue; most (80-90%) say they are using it primarily as a means to increase brand presence and awareness.

While increasing brand awareness is an important benefit of social media, at SocialToaster, we know it doesn’t stop there. Social media is an opportunity to engage with fans in a meaningful way that can and—if handled effectively—will produce a real return on investment over time.

One of the most effective ways to engage with fans on social media is by implementing a fan advocacy program that empowers your biggest supporters to act as word-of-mouth advocates for your brand. Social Media Examiner defines fan or brand advocates as “any customer who has been officially commissioned to speak on behalf of your brand without compensation.”  In a social media context this means that you recruit fans to be a part of your advocacy program and they share your news and information with their friends and followers.

This sounds great, but what kind of impact does it have on sales?

Cultivating a community of loyal brand ambassadors is a powerful marketing tool. According to Social Media Explorer, word-of-mouth buzz “is often cited as 10 or more times more effective than traditional advertising.” So, whether you like to call them fan advocates, brand ambassadors or (our personal favorite) Superfans, every time they post about your company they are sending a personal recommendation to their friends and followers.

Additionally, “71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals.” By increasing your company’s reach with social advocates, you’re increasing your ability to capture the attention of these consumers.

Not convinced? Here’s where SocialToaster comes in. Give us a call! Our team of ROI and fan advocacy experts can help you make sense of the data and activate your Superfans to drive sales, increase website traffic or promote a cause.


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