Going Virus: How a Healthcare Organization is Going Strong with Their SocialToaster Campaign


What do you think of when you hear the word ‘healthcare?’ If the vision of a somber, sterile, fluorescently-lit hospital popped into your mind, you’re not alone. Medical centers and hospitals are not known for being the most fun or exciting brands. However, one of our clients is proving that idea to be false. They are connecting with their local audience with fun branded content and prizes, and engaging personal communication. Take out your notepad, we’re about to give you the prescription for making a presumed “uninteresting” brand exciting.

Diagnosis: Local Pride

With 11 hospitals and medical centers in its network, this Mid-Atlantic-based healthcare organization currently has three centers with live SocialToaster programs (with plans to have the other eight launched in the near future). While having a local branch of a huge brand run its own campaign is pretty uncommon,these locally-branded programs have proved to really resonate with the local audience. Remember, locals take pride in not just their local bars and restaurants, but also their local hospitals.

One of the centers was named a “Leader in LGBT Healthcare Equality” by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation for the fourth consecutive year.

A nurse at another center was named one of Baltimore Magazine’s Top Nurses of 2016.

These exciting stories, shared through the ST platform, produced email open rates and shares rates that were off the medical charts! The local audience loved (and shared without orders from the doctor) that their local hospital and its staff were one of the best out there. What is great about the individual awards and accolades is that they fit under the umbrella of the overarching healthcare organization.

Through their SocialToaster programs, the active centers have consistently managed to make all their communication and content personal to the local communities. One great personal touch is on the program homepage, which includes an introduction video specific to that center. We all know that video is a major marketing tool. But this video features and employee explain how the SocialToaster programs works which allows fans to connect with more than just the brand, but with a person, an employee.

Other content that fans received offered medical advice, stories and tips, such as “Stepping Up Stoma Care” and “Tips to Help Improve Communication with Caregivers.” These helpful and informative pieces of content not only provide important information but they show users that their local medical center cares about their well-being and wants them to live the healthiest lives possible.

These medical offices and hospitals are not just for patients, doctors, and nurses. Fans can support their local hospital without actually stepping foot on the campus. The active campaigns have fostered a sense of community for the local audience with branded prizes. These prizes offer participants and winners a sense of belonging and pride (scrubs not included).

Key Lessons Learned

  • If you think you have a “boring” brand, take a look at your employees for inspiration and story ideas. People are never boring. If you look, you will find stories worth sharing.
  • Engage with your local community to trade off a large footprint for a deeper connection.
  • Utilize video within the SocialToaster platform when able to help drive recruitment and engagement.

Here at SocialToaster, we love to innovatively help our clients surprise their audience, whether it be with locally-branded channels, personal introduction videos, or branded prizes. If you’re interested in hearing more about this, please contact your doctor us: send us an email, request a free demo, or give us a call at 855.62.TOAST today!

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